Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Travelling Fool

If you know me at least a little, then you will know that I am a travel addict. I don't consider myself an overly materialistic person, but I have no problem spending my hard earned money to go see new people and places. It all started senior year in high school, when my wonderful parents paid for me to go on a trip to Paris and Madrid as a graduation present. There aren't many times in my life where I can pinpoint that specific moment as a turning point, but this was definitely one. I was forever changed, and knew that I was no longer satisfied just living inside my southern, American bubble. Since then, I have been blessed to have the opportunity to view many places that others have only dreamt of going.

This summer, I am going to Ireland, Wales, England and France for eleven days. This time, I am travelling with my mom, which I think is going to be amazing. We are great travel buddies, but this is the first time going out of the country together, which is exciting. I'm particularly excited about Ireland, as I have never been there before, and this is where a large portion of my descendants are from.

Ring of Kerry, Ireland

Next year, I am taking my first group of students over to Europe for a 10 day jaunt through England, France, Switzerland, and Germany. Switzerland is my favorite place that I have ever been to, and I cannot wait to see my students' faces when they experience the magical beauty of this country. The group of students going are some of my favorites (I know, I know - I shouldn't have favorites, but I am human!) and I really am excited to be the person who gets to take them to Europe for their first (and hopefully not last) overseas adventure! I am forever indebted to my French teacher, Madame Dent for providing me with the opportunity to see the world, and I hope that I can be that to my own students.

Here are some photos of places that we are travelling to.

Lucerne, Switzerland
Lucerne, Switzerland
Burgundy, France
 By the way, if you are interested in the 2012 trip next year, or have a son/daughter who woud like to go, let me know! I have 9 students so far but would like to take a few more!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blogger Virgin

So this is my first time ever writing a blog. All sorts of things are running through my head...why am I compelled to start a blog? do I want anyone to read this? haven't I always thought that it was somewhat narcissistic? Oh well, a hypocrite I am, then.

Last night, I had the most vivide dream. I was at the high school where I teach, when I found out that a student had died. I did not know the student, who was a mentally handicapped girl, personally, but the loss was still a shock. The emotions were so real, that when I woke up, I immediately scanned my brain to see if someone, in fact, had died. When I came to the conclusion that this had not actually happened, my second thought was, what if it did? I didn't tell my husband about it, thinking that he would find me somewhat morbid. However, when I got to school, the first e-mail that I read was from my principal, saying that a student had committed suicide the night before.

I was stunned.

A short while later, one of my students staggered in, red-eyed, and asked me to talk to her outside of my room. Apparently, the young man who had passed was one of her friends and she was so distraught that she wasn't sure if she could handle it. I knew right then that God had prepared me for this moment. We talked for about 30 minutes, covering all sorts of topics on the spectrum, including why he had chosen to take his own life and why this wasn't the answer. She finally told me that she felt like she was worthless and that she had contemplated suicide herself. I am so glad that I had the chance to talk to her then, and tell her that she was so loved and that taking such a drastic measure was the last thing in the world we wanted her to do.

I accidentally sent an e-mail responding to the principal, talking about my dream (it had been to my friend, another teacher). She wrote me back saying that she too had been given a message by God that she would be speaking about a deceased student during graduation.

What an eventful day. And who says that God is not here with us, every day?